Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tara Lipinski's "Anastasia"

The other night I watched the movie "Anastasia" with the girls that I babysit. It had been years since I've seen it. I had forgotten how enchanting and charming it was! It also reminded me of Tara Lipinski's 1998 Olympic short program to the song "Once Upon a December," from the film's soundtrack. The girls were not alive in 1998, did not know who Tara Lipinski was, and don't often watch skating, so it was a treat to see the "Anastasia" skating program, complete with Lipinski wearing a dress modeled after what was worn in the movie. It has also been years since I've seen this short program. In watching again, I can't say that Lipinski's actual skating wowed me, but her sheer enthusiasm and verve were simply unmatched in the event. I love the feeling of joy in her footwork sequence and her expression of happiness at triumph at the end.

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